"Thanks so much for a great session today! I feel tons better than when I walked in..."

Singing is a fabulous stress-buster as it releases the body's natural "happy chemicals", gets us breathing properly, helps the energy to flow and gets your feelings out.
Singing together bonds and unites us, singing individually helps us connect with our spirit and our emotions.
....(and, of course, it's also good fun!)
Some people have instant access to their voices and seem to sing effortlessly.
But what if you believe you "can't" sing?
One in fifteen people even believe themselves to be physically "tone-deaf". In reality, only 4% of people have Congenital Amusia (tone-deafness). The rest are the victims of their "Can't sing" belief.
This belief isn't just vocally crippling, it can affect people's confidence, communication and self-expression too, as well as robbing them of their right to the fun of music making and participation!
Most of these people won't sing at all, but wish they could. Others feel they are at the mercy of what comes out of their mouth.
Often, people who believe they "can't" sing simply aren't used to the sound of their own voice, because they never do it. They have no idea of how their body produces their voice or what their natural vocal range is.
People don't start life believing negative things about themselves. Children use their voices freely and naturally, without judgement. The sad fact is, in the majority of cases this "can't sing" belief stems from an event or incident in early life.
Some of my clients share their vocal histories:-
"...when I was 5 the teacher told me I was out of tune in front of the class and everyone laughed at me..."
"...my brother used to tease me for showing off so I was too embarrassed to sing..."
"...when I was 12 my voice broke and people made fun of me so I never sang again..."
Although many people shrugged-off teasing and name-calling, many others (certainly the people I work with) have carried the painful memory of vocal disapproval with them their entire life.
For them the simple act of singing, carries emotional associations of embarrassment, sadness and fear.
No wonder they "can't" sing. The emotional stakes are high. Why would anyone put themselves through that?
So what can you do?
It can seem easier to label yourself "tone deaf" than to figure out how to make a change by yourself.
Rather than continuing to beat yourself up for not being "good enough" or worrying what other people may think, consider focusing on your singing objectively and identify what elements you may want to change.
Practical and Emotional approach
Your "Story" and what emotional elements may be holding you back.
Practical and Emotional
There is a technique to everything, from packing a suitcase to flying a plane, and singing is no exception.
With a reliable physical foundation of breath, relaxation and sound production, the way we sing becomes more flexible and controllable. This leads to greater self-expression and creativity.
By focusing on a simple, practical, physical technique you can develop an awareness of how the voice works, and build up a combination of skills, instincts and experiences.
Through practice you give yourself evidence that the technique works, and confidence begins to grow.
The mind is very powerful, and always tries to keep us safe and protected.
For example, as a result of a humiliating singing experience our unconscious mind may create a barrier to us attempting to sing again, thus avoiding any potential repetition of the painful event. It may create tension in the neck, nausea, breathing issues....it can be really creative!
Emotional blocks can cause anxiety and physical tension, preventing controlled relaxation - the very process that frees the voice.
Investigating your "story" - the roots of your vocal self-image can help you to understand and resolve your emotional blocks. This talking, therapeutic process can make you feel emotionally vulnerable at times, but can lead to liberating changes.
I believe it is important to recognise that everyone has their own, unique relationship with their voice. We have natural learning styles and not all singing methods are appropriate for all people.
In order to understand reconcile with our beliefs, it helps me to focus on people's vocal-self-image, emotional associations and the practical singing technique to heal and integrate
Many people feel as if singing gives them a therapeutic experience. The more your singing technique improves, the more control you gain and confidence grows as a result.
I find that a fundamental knowledge of technique, and building a workable, enjoyable routine of practice into ones life (even if only a few minutes) can help development very quickly.
Everyone's experience of their voice is different, so it helps to find a method that works for you.
You may find you only need a few tips to get you started, or it may be a longer journey, and you find you really want to develop and take it seriously, in which case, like a sport, the more you put in the more you get out!
As well as being a singing teacher, I am also a qualified life coach, and use those skills to help people identify singing/creative goals.
With individual lessons, many of these things can be improved very quickly, and I have never (yet!) come across a totally "lost cause" - a lot depends on what goals you set!
I try to work with everyone in a way that suits them, towards achieving those goals, whatever they may be.
Contact me for more information about lessons, the Voice Club groups or Creative Coaching - it is never too late to start...
...and breathe....
Heather Maîr Thomas Ftcl, dipTcl, Ltcl
* Congenital amusia. Congenital amusia, commonly known as tone deafness, refers to a musical disability that cannot be explained by prior brain lesion, hearing loss, cognitive defects, or lack of environmental stimulation, and it affects about 4% of the population.
I find that a fundamental knowledge of technique, and building a workable, enjoyable routine of practice into ones life (even if only a few minutes) can help development very quickly.
I believe it is important to recognise that everyone has their own, unique relationship with their voice. We each have natural learning styles and not all singing methods are appropriate for all people.
In order to understand and reconcile your beliefs, it helps me to focus on people's vocal-self-image, emotional associations and the practical singing technique to heal and integrate
You may find you only need a few tips to get you started, or it may be a longer journey, and you find you really want to develop and take it seriously, in which case, like a sport, the more you put in the more you get out!
As well as being a singing teacher, I am also a qualified life coach, and use those skills to help people identify singing/creative goals.
With individual lessons, many of these things can be improved very quickly, and I have never (yet!) come across a totally "lost cause" - a lot depends on what goals you set!
I try to work with everyone in a way that suits them, towards achieving those goals, whatever they may be.

...and breathe....
Heather Maîr Thomas Ftcl, dipTcl, Ltcl
* Congenital amusia. Congenital amusia, commonly known as tone deafness, refers to a musical disability that cannot be explained by prior brain lesion, hearing loss, cognitive defects, or lack of environmental stimulation, and it affects about 4% of the population.